Friday, December 25, 2015

What Matters Most in Life

I am no philosopher and I cannot offer you the right answer about the essence of living our life.For others, essence of our existence means finding our true purpose. Why does it matter to find our purpose?

There are different responses on human's true purpose. Some says we can only find it through God, others offer meditation to find inner peace and purpose, and some offers death as our final purpose.

Purpose, on my own definition, is the missing puzzle that we feel; purpose is an action of utilizing our talents for the welfare of others; Realization of our inner knowledge.

Purpose is something that we yearn for to fill the emptiness that we feel or when we are astrayed. Purpose gives us a sense of direction and drive to continue living our lives, for purpose equates essence of life. Some people exist without it, and so they find themselves in confusion, lack of drive, and unhappiness. Some have almost everything in their lives, fame, money, and titles but no sense of purpose. For purpose is not seen in earthly possession rather it is the pursuit of passion in doing activities in life, using your talents, and realized knowledge.

Now, why does it matter to know our purpose? It matters for it gives us a sense of meaning and a sense of happiness that, at least, we did something rightful for ourselves as well as for others in a very short period of time while we were alive.

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