Saturday, December 19, 2015

Generations as One

I understand Individual Differences but I am really pissed off with other people who keep on blaming the "Millenials" as a generation of conspicuous, ecstacy users or drug users, technology savvy, lazy, and not contented with what they have among other things. Why am I really annoyed with this? Because there are other positive things that we can do to others...acceptance.

I say, it is not solely the Millenials' faults. Come to think of it, every generation is interdependent to one another. Each generation has a contribution to the weaknesses of the other. The grandfather of these Millenials are Baby Boomers and their parents? Guess what, it's the Generation X! Generation X who keeps on telling that these young kids are immature and lazy without even thinking that they are the ones responsible for the discipline.

So please stop saying negative things about the young generation. It won't help them. We need to understand one another. Instead of comparing who is the best generation and who is not, build bridges. Instead of complaining about the weaknesses of the other, rectify them in a manner that their dignity remains.

We are all one in this world. We are all imperfect. So please just stop competition. Life is not about it, life is about appreciation and accepting differences. Inclusion is the path to understand one another.

More love. Cheers!

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