Wednesday, December 23, 2015


What do we mean by the word, "winner"? On a superficial level it means being the best on all aspects, being number one in a contest, on top of the game, the most "blank" of the year, and other related awards and achievement that a person can receive.

Most of us pursue to be a winner, to be successful in life. But does winning in a contest and receiving different awards from different competitions does make someone to become a true winner? Money, titles, achievements, fame, and other worldly possessions (you name it) are oftenly equated with success and winning. But what is a true winner? In this article I will state the characteristics of a true winner. A true winner, in my own point of view, is someone who strive not for achievement itself and self-interest. Indeed, defining a true winner is a subjective but let me help you picture about what I meant on becoming a true winner. As for me, a true winner is a person who possesses the following characteristics:

1. A friend of Failure

Failing makes us feel sad, disappointed, humiliated, embarrass, etc. In short, it makes us feel unpleasant. A true winner knows this feeling for he/she once became a failure at one point of his/her life. He/she does not afraid of it for failing at one point in life does not define who he/she was. There is no failure in life, it is just our own creating. To believe that you are a failure validates your belief. For doubting your limitless abilities means fulfilling it.
A true winner does not afraid of it because he/she is well aware that it is just in the mind and no stupid person will be forever be stupid unless he/she does not even try to better himself/herself. You can fail countless times but always bear in mind that a true winner knows that there is no such thing as failure but lessons communicated to him/her by the universe.

2. Free thinker

A true winner cannot be easily influenced by other individuals. He/she knows what his/her true intentions and that is to help another and to better himself/herself. A true winner knows that is not a kind of game where everyone plays. He/she knows that life is neither black nor white rather life is a spectrum, a continuum. There is a gray area, different shades that he/she sees.
A true winner also knows that a box exists. There is nothing that can limit one person but of himself/herself. He/she believes that his/her body is some kind of a vessel that can anytime be destroyed but not of his/her mind.

3. Open-minded

Someone who can accept the truth for it will help him/her grow. He/she knows that therenare myriads of ways in explaining one particular situations and accept that no people are the same. He/she accepts criticisms from others and at the same time use these as a way to improve himself/herself (if necessary).

4. Proactive

He/she forsees the consequence of his/her own actions and knows how to limit his behavior. He/she knows what to do in current situation and works hard to achieve it.

5. Knowledge of the Self

Knowing his/her abilities are an advantage as well as knowledge of his/her limitations. He/she is not a know-it-all expert but someone who let another person do what is right for the situation.

6. Hard-Headed (In a good way)

Stubbord is something that most of us perceive as negative but this characteristic is a great advantage of a true winner. He/she does not listen to what others are saying to him/her to concede. He/she strive and continue what she loves.

7. Passionate

Rarely people do what he/she loves. Most of the people follow the crowd and see their identity by joining them. But rarely people believe that he/she can create his/her path where he/she can lead.

Many motivational speakers and successful person say this a million times. It seems so cliche but it is actually true. It is true that is why it sounds so ordinary but many people rarely put this into action. The secret is actually revealed in front of us! We are just blinded by what others are telling us. The ladder to success is doing what you love. If you are happy with what you are currently doing and you excel to it, congratulations! You are on your way to success but remember to be mindful of your attitude and thoughts.

8. Cooperative

No one in this world can live and take credit of awesome things that happened to him/her. A true winner knows that building bridges is a way to a peaceful and awesome journey to success. He/she does not take credit for the good, he/she knows how to recognize others contribution to his/her success.

9. Humble

A winner is sometimes not seen on top and sometimes they are not famous, someone seen on TV, magazines, or newspaper. But most of them became famous because rarely people do what a true winner is doing. They transcend and stand out from others because they are different. They are humble and kind inspite of what they achieve.

10. Contented

They just do what they love, for they think is right for them and for the welfare of others. They are contented wih their lives and happy with it.

I hope you got an idea, at least on my own way of viewing what a true winner is like. No, I am not a true winner and I am not saying this on my account but on my observation of others. :)

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