Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Dear Me, Future Psychologist. Yours truly, Dr. Y. Barry Chung

Dear Me, Future Psychologist. Yours truly, Dr. Y. Barry Chung: It’s time for the next installment of Dear me, future psychologist, a gradPSYCH Blog exclusive in which a prominent psychologist writes a letter to his/her 16-year-old self. We hope you enjoy these letters and glean some invaluable wisdom and guidance as you decide whether to enter graduate

An excerpt from his blog:

"Finally, it may be difficult to imagine your future when no one in your family tree has a college education, and you are growing up with very few resources. But looking back, I now understand that all of this experience is preparing you to be resilient, resourceful, independent, and self-motivated.  Your future achievements are built on the foundation of those who have paved your way, as well as your future mentors.  When in doubt of yourself, just trust others who see the potential in you, and say yes to them more often.  You will find out that you can do more than you thought you could."

I super relate with this blog post. As part of the minority (LGBT Community), a person who struggle for a long time to escape from poverty, and the only person who finished college (fortunately, even Master's degree), it's so hard to fight for your happiness when people around you keeps on telling you how to be someone. It's hard that you can't even eat 3 meals a day, to attend the school with all the materials and sufficient food, etc.

I am so happy that I surpassed those moments in my life (struggles in school, work, microaggressions, poverty, and other painful experiences). Indeed, nothing is permanent. You have to befriend those daily struggles for it only prepares you for something big in the future. Keep on moving forward, keep your head up, and keep your feet on the ground.

We can do this! <3

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