Thursday, January 19, 2017


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

~Harper Lee

I just want to share my two cents here. Please stop blaming the teachers about the poor performance of students and the system. Did you try to set foot in a classroom and discuss for long hours about subjects? Did you try to adjust yourself to different students,provide the materials, monitor their performance, provide some feedback, encourage them to learn for the nth time, and then get the same results to some students in spite of putting your heart in teaching them? SOME students take advantage of their teacher's efforts. They just don't know how teachers prepare their lessons before they enter the classroom. They spend long hours reading books, rehearse some topics to make it easier and fun, create some tests, etc.

I initially love the video until you sounded like you blame it to the teachers. You also need to consider student factors. You have to try it yourself first before you blame the teachers.

I salute my teachers. I owe them. We owe them. YOU owe them. You have to thank them because they contribute a lot of things to who you are today.

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