Saturday, October 21, 2017


My friend wrote something about me. If she she will introduce me in a novel, it will be written as follows:

"She was standing in front of a huge audience, doing what she does best - teaching while making the students laugh at the same time. It may seem effortless for her to do these seamlessly, but it took years of personal and professional struggle before she was able to achieve her current position.

Every student she sees reminds her of 16 year old self - confused, ignorant, sad, yet willing to learn. She was desperate to learn because she wants her questions answered, and ignorance cured.

Wisdom and knowledge came together to her hand in hand, albeit the road wasn't smooth. She had to overcome a lot of hurdles, and transcended beyond them.

Whatever those grueling years taught her, it was evident not just on her lectures, but on her overall being."

It sounds perfect. I don't see myself as this but I love this! I am hoping in the future to be a person full of wisdom.

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