
Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Grandmother Died

I am not usually posting everything on my facebook because you know, it's facebook. So my grandmother just died this week and I just came home today from her wake. I am deeply sad because aside from we lost a gem from our family and clan, she was a great lost in her field. She is an intelligentsia and an author of English books in our country. She served in British Council as a consultant and a professor from a prestigious school. We lost her. 

I admired her, really. She remained humble in spite of her great achievements and she was kind to different people. She treated all of them equally and objectively. I want to be like her, someday.

I just can't believe she's gone. I was about to give her my thesis this month to check my grammar but now.... she's gone. :(

I looked her in the casket and I just realized that life is just so short. I remembered my student who once asked, "How does it feel when you're dead?"

I don't know of course, but I will. All of us will know it, soon. Life is short, enjoy every moment of your life.
I got 49 Christmas, 49 Summers, and estimated 17, 885 days given that I will die naturally (I hope)

Sad night and days for me because of what happened. I will get over this in a few days.

Sito Longges

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